Friday, September 21, 2007

Instructor Certification Courses Set for November

People wishing to be certified as women's self-defense instructors in the Fight Like a Girl module and the Girls on Guard module have a couple of options in November.

Phoenix is the location for certification courses Nov. 3 and 4.

New York is the location for certification courses Nov. 10 and 11.

There will probably be a Defense Against Weapons and a Weapons for Women certification course in Phoenix in March and we are planning to go to Ireland and England in the spring for additional certification courses.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

New Senior Instructors Named

Six new senior instructors have come out of the Aug. 25 Weapons for Women instructor certification course in Chicago.

Bruce Gunderson, Shannon Mahoney, Ellen McGrath, Mark Grove, Maire Dempsey, and Dave Scorza are all certified Rape Escape instructors and their certification in this course makes all of them Senior Instructors. A Senior Instructor is an instructor who is certified to teach four or more Defend University modules.

The Weapons for Women course teaches students how to use commonly found weapons for self-defense, how to use a weapon that has been taken away from an armed attacker and how to keep an attacker from taking your weapon.

Additional instructor certification courses are being planned for the Phoenix area this fall. Interested candidates can sign up for more information on the Rape Escape web site at

Don't fight fair

Always cheat. Always win.

The only unfair fight is the one you lose.

Big Government

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.

Thomas Jefferson