Friday, November 04, 2005

Heed the Warnings of Violent Co-Workers

One of your employees or fellow co-workers has a temper problem and is known for yelling, getting upset, disagreeing with his supervisors, and getting into fights.

No big deal right? Just stay out of his way and maybe things will go okay.

Well, not so for Robert Sisia, a supervisor in a restaurant supply company, a company where he had worked for 20 years.

Another employee,Darlin Fajardo, 35, had worked there for two years. Fajardo, a stock-clerk known for his temper, had a violent disagreement with Sisia and stabbed his 51-year-old supervisor in the chest with a steak knife.

A steak knife? Remember, it IS a restaurant supply company... But many, many work locations have plenty of items that can be used as weapons.

Heed the warning signs of violent co-workers. Stay on your guard and be prepared to protect yourself.


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